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Completing the Sale of a Business

Selling a business involves several steps, moving parts and legal documents.


Once you negotiate and exchange a business sale agreement with the other party, parties must transition to the completion process. This broadly involves the buyer and seller’s lawyers working together (and with their respective clients) to fulfil a number of obligations. Once all parties satisfy these obligations, the sale will be complete. Completion can be a stressful and overwhelming process, so it is useful to prepare a completion checklist to keep track of progress. This article discusses the key stages and documents common to most business sale transactions.

Pre-Completion Steps

Before the parties can complete the sale, there are several steps they must take to get ready for the big day (known as completion day). Each of the buyer and seller’s lawyers must review the business sale agreement carefully to ensure their respective clients satisfy these steps. Indeed, many of them can take time and may delay the sale if left to the last minute. 

The table below sets out some common pre-completion steps and the documents required to satisfy them.

Pre-Completion Steps


Documents required

Corporate governance approvals

While not necessarily always found in the business sale agreement, it is important (and good corporate governance) that the entity entering into the transaction passes the necessary approvals to enter into the transaction and sale agreement. 

Depending on the company’s constitution and shareholders agreement, this could mean getting shareholder and board approval.

  • board and shareholder resolutions 

Release of encumbrances

If the business owner (seller) has granted a security interest over any of the assets being sold, those security interests will need to be dealt with. This usually means having that security released by having the secured party sign a notification of discharge. 

However, for some assets like leased equipment, the security interest will continue with the sale and the buyer will assume liability for the security. If this is the case, the business sale agreement should address this point.

  • notification of discharge


There are sometimes requirements for the seller to provide the buyer with training in the business prior to completion.

  • none


If stock is forming part of the business sale, there can be a requirement that the seller completes a stocktake before completion to determine the stock’s value. 

  • none

Transferring employees

If any employees are being transferred, new employment agreements will need to be entered with those employees and the buyer, which recognise their prior service and entitlements (if relevant).

  • employment agreements

Conditions Precedent

Throughout the business sale agreement, there are several conditions that must be satisfied before the completion date. These are known as conditions precedent. 

It is usually a term of the sale agreement that if these conditions are not satisfied by the relevant party (or waived by the party which has the benefit of them), the other party can walk away from the sale. In the case of the buyer, they can potentially have their deposit refunded. 

The table below sets out some common conditions precedent in a business sale and the documents required to satisfy them.

Condition Precedent


Documents required

Dealing with the lease

If a premise is subject to a lease, the landlord must consent to either the existing lease being assigned or agree to the grant of a new lease in favour of the buyer.

  • deed of assignment (for an assignment); or
  • deed of termination and release and a new lease (for a grant)

Franchisor approvals

If the business being sold is a franchise, the franchisor must approve the incoming buyer and enter into a new franchise agreement with them. The seller will need to sign a deed of surrender in release in regard to its franchise agreement with the franchisor.

  • franchise agreement;
  • deed of surrender and release

Key contracts

Sometimes a business being sold will be party to a key contract that a buyer will want either assigned or to have a new contract entered into with them before completion. This is because without that particular contract being on foot, the business may not be able to run.

  • deed of novation; or
  • new contract


Completion Day

On the completion date, both parties must work together to fulfil their respective obligations. Completion can differ greatly between transactions depending on what the business is and what assets are being sold. However, there are some obligations that are usually present in each business sale. Once the completion obligations have been fulfilled by both parties, the sale has been completed and the buyer is now the legal owner of the business. 

The table below sets out some common completion obligations in a business sale.

Completion Obligation


Documents required

Deliver title documents

The seller must deliver to the buyer any certificates of title or other documents relating to proof of ownership of the assets being sold.

  • certificates of title

Deliver business records

The seller must deliver to the buyer any business records. Importantly the seller must only deliver the relevant business records, as there may be other records within the company not relevant to the sale.

  • relevant business records

Physically deliver assets

Seller must physically deliver any assets being sold that are capable of physical delivery to the buyer.

  • none

Other assignments

If any other contracts are being assigned as part of the sale (such as supply agreements or IP licences), these will need to be assigned at completion. If there are any vehicles, notices of disposal and any other documents required to transfer the registration.

  • deed of assignment or novation;
  • notice of disposal

Business name transfer

The seller must deliver the transfer number for the business name to the buyer.

  • none

Login details

The seller must deliver to the buyer any login details required for the buyer to access any of the assets being transferred, which may include social media accounts, emails and CRM systems.

  • none

Pay the balance of the purchase price

Buyer must pay the balance of the purchase price, adjusted for any employee entitlements and stock value (if relevant). The buyer’s lawyer will prepare a settlement statement detailing how the purchase price balance has been calculated.

  • settlement statement

Post-Completion Obligations

Sometimes there are post-completion obligations for the seller. These often include training the buyer on the business processes for a certain period of time. It can also include an agreement to be on call for a certain period of time for technical questions and assistance following the sale. The seller will usually have restraint obligations to comply with a certain period of time post-completion.

Key Takeaways

Completion can be a daunting and stressful process, as there can be a number of steps and obligations which both parties must adhere to ensure a smooth end to the transaction. Completion involves a three-step process: pre-completion, day of completion, and post-completion. All of these steps involve different documents and requirements. 

Of particular importance are the conditions precedent in the pre-completion stage, as if these are not fulfilled or waived, the other party will usually have the right to terminate the agreement and walk away from the sale. Likewise, in the case of the buyer, they can potentially have their deposit refunded. It is a good idea to keep a completion checklist handy so all parties can keep track of where things are at with completion.





Legal Vision
Thomas Linnane - Lawyer



Want to join our team? Various opportunities and positions become available from time to time. Currently we have the following positions available:


Key Responsibilities will Include:

  • Preparation of Financial Statements and Tax Returns for Individuals, Companies, Trusts, Partnerships and SMSFs.
  • Preparation of BAS/IAS.
  • Preparation of Budgets & Cashflows.
  • Liaise with clients.
  • Communicate with the ATO and other regulatory bodies.

You’ll Need:

  • Tertiary Qualification (Majoring in Accounting).
  • Ideally a minimum of 2 years industry experience.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to plan and coordinate workload.
  • Experience working with a range of software programs.


Key Responsibilities will include:

  • Preparations of BAS/IAS.
  • Bank Reconciliations for our small business clients.
  • Liaising with the ATO and other regulatory bodies.
  • Payroll processing.
  • Providing support to clients.
  • Assisting accountants where necessary.

You’ll Need:

  • Demonstrated experience in a similar role, or previous experience working as a bookkeeper for a business.
  • Experience working with software programs including Xero, MYOB, Reckon and QuickBooks is highly desired.
  • High standard of written and verbal communication skills.
  • Meticulous attention to detail.

Graduate/Trainee Accountant

Key Responsibilities will include:

  • Preparation of Financial Statements and Tax Returns for Individuals, Companies, Trusts, Partnerships and SMSFs.
  • Preparation of BAS/IAS.
  • Liaise with clients.
  • Communicate with the ATO and other regulatory bodies.

You’ll Need:

  • Recently finished or currently studying towards your degree.
  • Motivation to undertake further study.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Eagerness to learn and high work ethic.

We offer full time, part time and casual employment options. All applications are treated with strict confidentiality.

If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, please email resume cover letter to

Contact Us

Philippa Whitting


Education: Bachelor of Commerce, JCU

Qualifications: CPA, CTA, JP

Philippa commenced work at McKinnon & Co in 1982. In her spare time she enjoys looking after her beef cattle enterprise, equestrian activities, and spending time with family.

Stephen Klaproth

Senior Accountant

Education: Bachelor of Commerce – Major Accounting & Finance, USQ.

Qualifications: CA

Stephen works in our business services areas as well as assisting with Audits. On the weekend he enjoys the Tablelands outdoor lifestyle.

Chloe Bidner

Senior Accountant

Education: Bachelor of Business – Major Accounting, JCU.

Qualifications: CPA, Xero Advisor Certified.

Chloe works part time at McKinnon & Co predominantly in Business Services. When she is not at McKinnons, she works in her family business – FNQ Honey & Bees

Margaret Blakey

Senior Accountant

Education: Diploma of Financial Planning (Financial Services)

Qualifications: JP

Margaret commenced accounting in 1990, and has experience in the accounting, finance, banking and financial services sectors. In her spare time, she competes in dance sport ballroom dancing, as well as spending time with her family.

Leanne Johnston

Accountant. Manager of BAS, Payroll & Bookkeeping Department.

Education: Bachelor of Business – Major Accounting, USQ.

Qualifications: Xero Advisor Certified. Diploma In Accounting.

Leanne has recently completed her accounting degree and is looking to expand her knowledge with further study. In her spare time, she enjoys horse riding and planning travel adventures.

Valerie Orreal

Manager of SMSF Department.

Education: Bachelor of Science, JCU

Qualifications: Diploma of Family History

Valerie looks after all aspects of SMSFs. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, camping and beach trips.

Alison Richardson

Client Service Assistant

Alison started at McKinnon’s back in 1981 and is our longest serving employee, providing integral support to the office and our clients. She loves spending time with her family and spoiling her grandchildren.

Rebecca Setford


Bec helps manage the day-to-day operations of our front office. She enjoys working hard and learning new skills. Outside of work she is a keen gym enthusiast.

Georgia Barbagallo


Our newest team member Georgia is enjoying learning the running of our front office. She is also studying Education and enjoys spending time with her adorable sausage dogs.

Accounting, Tax & Compliance

The right advice can make a significant difference to the bottom line of your business. Our team can take the complexity out of tax.

We can help with compliance work for:

  • Individuals.
  • Sole Traders
  • Partnerships.
  • Companies.
  • Trusts.
  • Self-Managed Super Funds.
  • Clubs & associations.
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Business Advisory

We take the time to understand the current situation and future direction of each client. Our experienced staff will develop a range of services tailored to suit your needs.

We can provide advice and support on a range of areas such as:

  • Business structuring.
  • Tax consequences and obligations.
  • Business Recovery & turnaround.
  • Succession Planning.
  • Capital Gains.
  • Business Valuations
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Self-Managed Superannuation Funds

We provide a comprehensive service, assisting in all aspects of your fund’s administration including all the paperwork, reporting and support in complying with super and tax laws.

We’ll support you in the administration of your fund by:

  • Processing investment paperwork throughout the year.
  • Consulting with share registries.
  • Corresponding with the ATO.
  • Processing paperwork and calculations in relation to the commencement and maintenance of pensions.
  • Preparing trustees’ minutes.
  • Preparing year-end financial statements.
  • Preparing and lodging the fund’s annual income tax and regulatory return.
  • Preparing and lodging the TBAR reports as required.
  • Preparing the fund minutes
  • Organising annual actuarial certificate and other documents as required.
  • Organising the annual independent audit.
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Audit & Assurance

We provide high quality auditing services to help ensure that our clients meet regulatory and business requirements.

We are committed to providing independent, comprehensive, effective and efficient auditing. They have the knowledge and experience necessary to help you with all your financial reporting and accounting issues.

We provide auditing services for the following areas:

  • Clubs & Associations
  • Trust Audits including Real Estate & Solicitors.
  • Special Purpose Audits and Reviews.
  • Financial Statement Audits.
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BAS, Payroll & Bookkeeping

We provide a range of options to meet your individual bookkeeping needs and ensure you are complying with all your reporting requirements. We work with a range of software’s and are happy to assist with whichever program you feel most comfortable with. Services we provide include:

  • Payroll Processing and support.
  • Superannuation processing – ensuring all staff super guarantee obligations met on time.
  • Preparation and lodgement of Monthly & Quarterly Business Activity Statements.
  • Bank Reconciliations and transaction coding.
  • Inputting of business records.
  • Assisting with software used to maintain records.
  • Set up of relevant Tax Registrations.
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Business Start Up Assistance

We can take the stress out of starting a new business, providing a personalised start up tax service suited to your venture. We can assist with:

  • Advice on Business Structure.
  • Applying for ABN, TFN.
  • Set up of Tax registrations including GST, PAYG Withholding and FTC.
  • Set up of WorkCover and Super clearing house.
  • Taking care of company set up requirements.
  • Advice on ongoing obligations.
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Tax Diary

General Calculators


Accounting Videos

Tax Deductions by Job

Secure File Transfer

Secure File Transfer is a facility that allows the safe and secure exchange of confidential files or documents between you and us.

Email is very convenient in our business world, there is no doubting that. However email messages and attachments can be intercepted by third parties, putting your privacy and identity at risk if used to send confidential files or documents. Secure File Transfer eliminates this risk.

Login to Secure File Transfer, or contact us if you require a username and password.

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The material on this website has been prepared for general information purposes only and not as specific advice to any particular person. Any advice contained on the website is General Advice and does not take into account any person’s individual investment objectives, financial situation or needs.

Before making an investment decision based on this advice you should consider whether it is appropriate to your particular circumstances, alternatively seek professional advice.

Privacy Policy

McKinnon & Co is committed to providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information.

We have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The NPPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

What is Personal Information and why do we collect it?

Personal Information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual. Examples of Personal Information we collect includes names, addresses, email addresses, phone and facsimile numbers.

This Personal Information is obtained in many ways including correspondence, by telephone and facsimile, by email, via our website, from your website, from media and publications, from other publicly available sources, from cookies and from third parties. We don't guarantee website links or policy of authorised third parties.

We collect your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our clients and marketing. We may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. You may unsubscribe from our mailing/marketing lists at any time by contacting us in writing.

When we collect Personal Information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.

Sensitive information will be used by us only:

Third Parties

Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a case we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Your Personal Information may be disclosed in a number of circumstances including the following:

Security of Personal Information

Your Personal Information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.

When your Personal Information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your Personal Information. However, most of the Personal Information is or will be stored in client files which will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years.

Access to your Personal Information

You may access the Personal Information we hold about you and to update and/or correct it, subject to certain exceptions. If you wish to access your Personal Information, please contact us in writing.

McKinnon & Co will not charge any fee for your access request, but may charge an administrative fee for providing a copy of your Personal Information.

In order to protect your Personal Information we may require identification from you before releasing the requested information.

Maintaining the Quality of your Personal Information

It is an important to us that your Personal Information is up to date. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that your Personal Information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you find that the information we have is not up to date or is inaccurate, please advise us as soon as practicable so we can update our records and ensure we can continue to provide quality services to you.

Policy Updates

This Policy may change from time to time and is available on our website.

Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiries

If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy please contact us at:

07 4091 1244